
Red herring fallacy definition
Red herring fallacy definition

red herring fallacy definition

So even if mercury in vaccines of the past did contain mercury, the amount that they contained wasn’t enough to cause autism. If mercury in vaccines caused autism, we’d expect the autism incident rate to have fallen since 2001 but it hasn’t. All vaccines except the flu vaccine have been mercury-free since 2001. Person 1: There is no mercury in vaccines. Person 2: Vaccines are bad because the mercury in vaccines causes autism. Basically, when person 1 shows why person 2’s argument fails, person 2 responds by saying “oh yeah? what about this?” Instead of admitting defeat, person 2 changes the standard of evidence or changes the topic to one that is closely related but not the same as the original one. Person 1 shows why person 2’s argument fails. Moving the Goal Posts (aka the “Oh Yeah, What about this?” Defense) Definition: A topic is under discussion. Red herrings are often used by arguers (especially politicians) to avoid having to answer a question. Red Herring Definition: When an arguer brings up an issue or line of argument that isn’t directly relevant to the original issue being debated in order to divert attention away from it. Red Herring Fallacy and Moving the Goal Posts The problem is that Person B hasn’t shown that person A’s actual argument (X). Person B then shows why argument Y is a bad argument.

red herring fallacy definition

Person B reformulates (i.e., exaggerates and distorts) Person A’s position to make it look ridiculous/implausible.Person A gives their position or argument–call it argument X.Person B: My opponent thinks we should give children AK-47s for self-protection when their parents aren’t home. Person A: If you deny people the right to self-defense then you are risking increasing the rate home break-ins because a major deterrent will have been removed.

red herring fallacy definition

In person A’s world, citizen’s won’t be able to lawfully defend themselves or even go hunting. Person B: My opponent doesn’t think people have the right to own guns. Person A: Given the tragic nature of mass shootings, we should consider implementing some sort of background check to make sure people buying guys don’t have any known major psychological problems or any records of violent criminal behavior.If you can show that even the strongest arguments against your view fail, you’re the winner! If you fail to address the strongest arguments then you’ve won a hollow victory.

#Red herring fallacy definition pro

Pro tip: Even if some people that oppose your view on an issue make genuinely bad or stupid arguments, always address the strongest possible argument against your position. Person 2: Whatever, I took out the trash yesterday.ĭefinition: A restatement of an opposing view/position which is exaggerated and distorted such that it is easy to defeat. Person 1: It’s your turn to do the dishes. Contextual relevance is about whether an entire argument has a logical relationship to the topic that is being debated. In the context of a debate between two sides, contextual relevance is the degree to which a response or line of argument has a logical relationship to the main issue being debated.

Red herring fallacy definition